⇒ here is one of three illustrations of letters to the editor which I drew for Kapsel #6 Zhurong auf dem Mars, 2024. Kapsel is a german magazine for Chinese Science-Fiction literature, this time printed in silver and red.
⇒ cover artwork, seven oil pastel drawings and a lot of digital constructed illustrations for "SuzAnNa" - a magazine published by Verlag Marian Arnd
SuzAnNa brings together images and texts that express one of the most important ideas of our time: sufficiency. Needless to say, sufficiency has nothing to do with renunciation, prohibition and dreary discipline. Rather, we have recognised the benefits: A positive understanding - less is more - characterises a new abundance of life that is blossoming in all areas of life - in our homes, in our mobility, in fashion, in our kitchens and on our plates.
SuzAnNa contains current research findings by Prof Dr Ingo Uhlig, Dr Andrea Amri-Henkel, Juri Horst, Betriska Lukas, Florian Noll, Yue Zheng, Dr Susanne Kurowski, Stefan Dauwe and Dr Lars-Arvid Brischke. There are also illustrations of works by Tim Cierpiszewski and Tom Hegen, as well as poetry by Daniel Falb. You will also find an interview with Prof Dr Angelika Zahrnt in the magazine.
SuzAnNa was designed by Paul Bowler in collaboration with the illustrator and artist Julius Wagner.
here you can find the entire magazine as a free online version
This magazine was created as part of the project "Development of sufficiency-led offers and narratives as part of the energy transition based on a consumption-orientated needs analysis". It is a joint project of IZES gGmbH, Arepo GmbH and IKEM funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (as part of the Energiewende and Society funding initiative).
⇒ Cover and tape design for the debut EP "DRIVE-BY" by Kröte
At the opening of my exhibition "backseat driver" my friend and Kröte drummer/singer W. asked me to use my painting "backseat baby" for their first tape. I ended up doing the whole artwork, which I am very proud of. Listen to "DRIVE-BY" on Bandcamp or Spotify or approach Cassettendienst to get your hands on one of the 55 tapes!
photo credits: Kröte guitar player J.
⇒ poster for booom e.V. fashion workshop "monster mode"
⇒ Illustration for Kapsel #5 – Der Einsiedler by Liu Yang, 2023. Kapsel is a german magazine for Chinese Science-Fiction literature. www.kapsel-magazin.de
⇒ digital tour poster for The Young Mothers - Norwegian Tour 2022
⇒ four illustrations for Kapsel – Fantastische Geschichten aus China No.3: Die perfekte Diagnose, 2020. The whole magazine was printed in duo tone - copper and ultra marine. Kapsel is a german magazine for Chinese science fiction literature.
⇒ collection of digital invitation cards ♣
⇒ Gig poster for L.O.X and Mope Grooves at Tiff Leipzig
⇒ Gig poster for Trashboo and World Brain at Tiff Leipzig